[전문직업] EU/NA 제안
  • 작성일 2021.05.03 22:11
  • 조회수 1543
  • 추천수 0

[건의게시판 작성 방법]
* 개선 또는 추가,변경 등에 대한 내용을 작성해주세요.

   (버그 등 도움이 필요한 내용은 1:1문의 또는 버그신고 게시판을 이용해주세요.)

* 건의주시는 내용에 맞는 카테고리를 설정해주세요.

   카테고리를 바르게 설정해주셔야 의견 반영이 더욱 빠르게 이루어질 수 있습니다.

  (EX. 밸런스에 대한 건의는 캐릭터 카테고리로 설정해주세요.)

1. 서버/캐릭터명 :

2. 건의 내용 : (원하시는 건의 내용을 작성해 주세요)

3. 의견 : (구체적인 의견을 작성해 주세요)

- Professions:

Treasure hunter: remove chest limit, we have stamina as a limit to farm. Add better rewards to the chests like more professions materials, some magic crystals, some potions and make a system to add adaptability to gold accessories to make them less useless or add new accessories to the chest like a cube with a random accessory from the region where the chest/dungeon is located.

Alchemist: bring back old advanced enchantment and make cards useful. Maybe remove the limit to craft potions too.

Blacksmith: let us skip levels like we did with old blacksmith. We don't need to have an upgrade event for the whole year on a character/profession that most of the players use only when they are able to make scrolls/amulets upgrading the lucky enhancement equipments... Usually players choose treasure hunter on their main character and the blacksmith on a character that they rarely play, that's why a lot of players invest money only during upgrade events; it's because they need to send the scrolls get from the lucky enhancement equipment to their main or to other support characters made for farm raids. Changing profession just to upgrade the new weapon and then change back it's too expensive, that's why players take as blacksmith a secondary character and they use it on upgrade events. We are unable to send our wea**** and armors to a blacksmith character and we can't be a blacksmith on our main character because we need to farm with it. Did you ever played your game, KoG? Some players asked to add a progress bar like the one on Rigomor armor, maybe you can add it to the blacksmith profession and/or to NPC.

A little note after the recent news about the new improvement of professions: it's better now, but still skipping levels is something that we need because the rate of success is still low on levels that used to reset, downgrade and broke more, and these levels are 6, 7 and 8. From 8 to 9 is hard to upgrade, but it's still less hard than from 7 to 8. At least now maybe we will get tens of thousands of times "no change" instead of "downgrade". Anyway, eventually we meet our friends "downgrade" and "destroy" at NPCs enhancing our not banksharable armors and wea**** on all characters that haven't the blacksmith as profession.

Full text: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S7eRus6Jf7QthYxV8MKRmo90vJn8ZqTc1-RqeKjl7Ws/edit?usp=sharing

A survey started today: https://docs.google.com/**s/d/1Iv1_EW_oITiT6bchNd_Vzf1blsgay5OQpO7ebDLZkQA

Edit: survey ** got censored, try this: https://bit.ly/3vAbwFu Here are the results: https://cutt.ly/Sbcs1WJ

리플 {{ GetCommentTotalRowCount }}

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